
Are universities impacting students mental health?

University is an exciting new experience filled with opportunities. Students are exposed to a new environment; they get the chance to surround themselves with people from different backgrounds, and for many, a time to learn independence. However, this new life transition can often become overwhelming and hard to cope with. It is not easy having [...]

Are universities impacting students mental health?2022-01-13T08:49:02+00:00

Can stress cause us to age quicker?

Stress is a normal part of our lives and has even been essential for survival. When feeling stressed, the body goes into a fight-or-flight mechanism that prepares our body to respond to danger. However, excessive stress can take a toll on us and can impact our overall health. Constant stress is caused when our bodies [...]

Can stress cause us to age quicker?2021-12-15T10:07:12+00:00
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